1. Avoid using profanity or any foul language.
2. Avoid racial, ethnic, gender-based insults or any other personal discrimination.
3. Avoid any posts that are offending and inflammatory
4. Avoid spamming; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
5. Pictures can be posted so long as it is not offensive and the topic is based on graphics.
6. Always post at the appropriate forum. Misplaced posts will automatically be moved by the forum moderators.
7. Impersonation of a user in this forum/Chatbox is strictly prohibited.
8. Avoid spreading false information and rumors about the Game.
9. Avoid shouting in the boards (denoted by posting messages in "ALL CAPS").
10. Please avoid posting multiple messages with the same contents (no flooding).
11.Avoid arguing a moderator's decision in public. Any disagreement must first be addressed to the moderator concerned via a private message.
Violations of any of these stipulated rules will be dealt with appropriate actions on a case to case basis.